
(İngilizce - Latince)

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#a harp - #to enter upon - #carpenter's axe - #not long ago - #evidence - #shear - #to bind on beneath - #market - #to regain - #vice - #glowing - #speech - #dawn - #thievish - #particularly - #discover - #gather together - #untru - #a web - #spelt - #strew - #woodpecker - #unanticipated - #craft - #spring / fresh water / source - #posterity - #mark out - #poem - #divine - #homage - #unbelievable - #to kindle - #coverlet - #wail - #as great as you will - #resolve - #honorably - #arcade - #to make for - #to try - #lump - #the fates - #a bitter weed - #put on clothing - #carry down - #to form again - #bring - #set free - #refrain from - #the crowd - #ripping - #and then - #hindrance - #mark down - #feasibility - #submit - #up to - #by chance - #legitimate - #poet - #induce - #announce - #to preach - #opponent - #very little - #marshy - #without compare - #flight - #sleeping - #to spread - #respond - #infirm - #to bring forth - #to press together - #advance - #assault - #earn completely - #wideness - #whither - #only just - #an oral statement - #wicked - #regather - #shedding tears - #perish - #to be hungry - #mark - #renowned - #feast - #faithless - #height - #to put in motion - #push forward - #try to prove - #purchase - #crown of laurel / victory - #shoulder - #devastate - #declare - #a saying - #character - #special - #become stronger - #army - #grief. misery - #a hole - #bring on - #blend /confound - #to call into question - #deceitful - #deal with - #former - #assist /to please - #little sack - #raw - #beam - #to come to - #control oneself - #it is proper - #in a certain condition - #alike - #strive - #to cover - #maintain /shoot (a missile) - #damaging - #nod - #to stand - #fail /cut up - #necessary - #obtain one's desire - #astonishing - #marigold - #to use - #sparing - #to be afraid - #to cry aloud - #number - #gossip - #to howl loudly - #irreverent - #swiftly flying - #to look at attentively - #thoughtless - #hesitation - #a bushel basket - #adorn - #shed - #what? - #buttocks - #angry -