
(İngilizce - Latince)
delay kelimesinin okunuşunu dinle..

İngilizce - Latince  delay

Anlamını göster
İngilizce - Latince cesso, duco, cunctatio, prodico, mora

Öğretici Cümleler*

*Henüz beta aşamasında..

Aynı dilgrubundan benzer kelimeler:

#fight to the finish - #sift - #serviude - #grab at - #harmony - #dainty - #to plant - #assist /to please - #to check - #marvel at - #situation - #swell /to be pompous - #pupil - #least - #moist - #go to - #gullet - #principally - #the tail of an animal - #emperorship - #inter - #to exhibit - #vanishing - #whichever of the two - #to remove - #to appoint ahead of time - #quick. fleet - #Ash Wednesday - #bruise - #that is right - #enthrall - #overtake - #to weave - #carelessness - #in need of - #to rush into - #a crowd of attendants - #to rest - #weeping - #a mimic - #make known - #abdicate - #authority - #decrepit - #disorder - #an invoking - #faulty - #sweet as honey - #carbon - #whoever - #unfavorable - #to train - #to demolish - #to hang to - #representative - #little bag - #word of honor - #plainly - #function - #pale - #from within - #riot - #beg - #ugly - #ruler - #heavenly - #because of which thing - #role /character - #forge - #flatulence - #triumphal procession - #single - #negligently - #to be wrathful - #the dead - #at length at las - #sterness - #travel - #to tame - #dirt - #in present cirumstances - #to be appropriate - #brush - #prove - #among - #notable - #annihilate /spoil - #to announce officially - #to smell - #lay waste - #do harm - #account /reason - #writing tablet - #to begin to bristle - #to tinge - #an outlet /seepage - #to remember - #to be in heat - #to snatch away - #admonish /teach - #contrary - #on good authority - #wing - #a wise man - #stillness - #anew - #clean - #smooth - #seethe - #reserve troops - #the beards - #theft - #to prevent - #come quickly - #to sweep out - #to near - #cause sadness - #apparatus - #enclose - #to pray - #to consider carefully - #sharp nosed - #of crystal - #not to be persuaded - #to ransom - #to scatter - #comrade /count - #look for - #fineness - #to obtain by service - #advantageous - #dancer /presider - #various - #fleeing - #uprising - #the middle of - #lip - #to compel - #trample in / impress upon - #to grow old - #sunk - #leavings - #a following - #nothwithstanding - #no doubt - #under compulsion - #impress - #keep at work - #a bath - #thawed -